Looking After Your Pet’s Eyes
South Cranbourne Veterinary Surgery
Looking After Your Pet’s Eyes
South Cranbourne Veterinary Surgery
A healthy pet’s eyes should be clear, bright and free from dirt, discharge and excessive redness. The eye is a sensitive organ and becomes extremely painful when damaged. There are many causes of eye problems such as traumatic injuries, old age degeneration and hereditary diseases. It is important to investigate problems with pets’ eyes promptly as damage to the eye can quickly result in permanent damage or blindness. If you notice any of the following in your pet, contact the clinic for an appointment.
Common signs of eye problems
- Closing eye or squinting
- Rubbing at the eye
- Red inner eyelids
- Swelling of the eyelids
- Matter ‘stuck’ on the surface or in the corners of the eye
- Cloudiness within the eyeball
- A dull eye surface
- The ‘third eyelid’ coming across the eye
- Excessive tearing or unusual discharges (yellow, green, brown)
- Tear-stained fur around the eyes
- Bumping into surroundings
Often conditions of the eye will require eye drops or ointment. If you are having difficulty medicating your pets’ eyes, please follow the steps below or contact the clinic for further assistance.
How to Administer Eye Drops
- Before you start, if your pet is easily stressed and not comfortable with being treated you may need to muzzle your dog or wrap your cat in a towel.
- Remove any discharge around the eye with a cotton ball or tissue moistened with warm water.
- See the instructions on the bottle for dosage. Shake if necessary.
- Use one hand to hold the bottle between thumb and index finger and place the other under your dog’s jaw to support the head.
- Tilt the head back and, to prevent blinking, use your free fingers to hold the eyelids open.
- Hold the bottle close to the eye but DON’T touch the eye’s surface.
- Squeeze the drops onto the eye and once the drops are in, release the head.
- Your pet will blink, spreading the medication over the eye’s surface.
How to Apply Eye Ointment
- Before you begin, you may need to muzzle your dog or wrap your cat in a towel.
- Remove any discharge around the eye with a cotton ball or tissue moistened with warm water.
- Check the instructions on the tube for dosage.
- Gently pull back upper and lower eyelids.
- Holding the tube at a 45° angle to the lower eyelid, squeeze the ointment on to its edge. DON’T let the tube touch the eye’s surface.
- Lightly massage upper and lower eyelids together to spread the medication.
- Release the head. Let your pet blink.

Opening Hours
Monday: 8am–7pm
Tues-Thurs: 8am–6pm
Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: 8am–12pm
Sunday: Closed
82 Earlston Circuit, Cranbourne VIC 3977