Soft Tissue Surgery
South Cranbourne Veterinary Surgery
Soft Tissue Surgery
South Cranbourne Veterinary Surgery
Our veterinarians perform a wide range of soft tissue surgeries including desexings, caesarians, tumour removals, wound repairs, intestinal obstructions to name a few.
Modern anaesthetics and monitoring equipment are used for every procedure. A fully trained veterinary nurse monitors every patient and assists the veterinarian throughout the procedure.
After every procedure clients are advised on the specific after-care required for their animal to ensure an uneventful recovery.
In complicated cases we may refer to a specialist surgeon or arrange for a visiting specialist surgeon to complete the procedure in our theatre.

Concerned about your pet’s health?
For any questions about your pet’s surgery, or to make an appointment, get in touch with our friendly vet team today.
Opening Hours
Monday: 8am–7pm
Tues-Thurs: 8am–6pm
Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: 8am–12pm
Sunday: Closed
82 Earlston Circuit, Cranbourne VIC 3977