With the warmer weather and longer days many people take the opportunity to go camping. This can also be a time that dogs love to get out in nature with their owners. In order to make the trip as safe and enjoyable as possible there are a few things to take into consideration before you leave and at the campsite.

1. If travelling to a known paralysis tick area ensure that your dog is up to date with an effective tick preventative. Unsure where ticks are found or which preventative to use? Please give us a call. Check your dog daily for any ticks, they like to hide in feet and ears!

2. Prepare a basic first aid kit. Good things to include are saline, gauze, bandaging materials, scissors and tweezers. We can assist you with what items are best to include.

3. Ensure plenty of fresh water is taken to the campsite. Stagnant water sources can be the cause of upset tummies in dogs!

4. Take your dog’s food in a sealed container to keep it fresh and avoid other wild animals from accessing it. Avoid feeding scraps of human food, especially if it is fatty from the BBQ, as this can cause serious illness such as pancreatitis.

5. Ensure you have a comfortable designated sleeping area for your dog. This should be secure to prevent wandering at night.

6. Always supervise when there is a campfire. Having your dog on a lead can prevent burnt foot pads if they get too close!

7. If at a river or boating, consider a dog life jacket. Even the strongest of doggie swimmers (and let’s face it  – not all dogs are great swimmers) can get exhausted too! Watch dogs in the water closely as like us they can easily get caught in currents, get struck by unexpected objects under the water surface and affected by sudden changes in temperatures and water depths.

8. Know the location and contact details of the nearest vet in case of emergencies.

9. Ensure that you have enough medication (if your dog is on ongoing treatment) to last the length of the camping trip.

10. Watch for snakes. If you suspect your dog is bitten, get to a vet ASAP.